sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013


Born and raised Croatian, studied Art History and English, I have always had inclination towards beauty. By my eighteenth year I have lived in three different towns, and all of them have left a profound mark on my unsettled character. Each town has influenced the way I perceive and feel my surroundings. I could describe myself as a drift wood carried by the waters, or a leaf floating on the wind. So are the motifs that I portray in my photographs; glimpses of what I have seen along my life stroll. There is not any particular photographic category or genre I would place my photography into, because there are simply too many motifs that catch my eye. My photographic decisions change depending on the lighting, atmosphere, and my mood. In a way, I can get pulled in by the most unremarkable thing and turn it into a self-sufficient entity, so that the photograph becomes living organism with body and soul. I do not tend to digitally manipulate my photographs. One, because I feel that whoever takes photographs should work with the camera and the light and conditions nature places before them. Secondly, because if it is digitally manipulated it is no longer photography.